The Art of Having Fun

Shades of Gray: 4 Things I’m Thankful For


7 years ago

Hi Everyone,

As the year is abruptly coming to a close (how is it almost over already?!) and Thanksgiving being today, I’ve been reflecting on the things that matter most. While my business and passion for capturing a daily getaway is something very close to my heart, it’s surely not the only thing I’m grateful for—in fact, it’s just the tip of the iceberg!

There have been a lot of changes this past year, from saying goodbye to our first home and moving into #ProjectGMDreamHome, to giving our office space an overhaul, debuting exciting new releases like our very own luggage collab, and so much more. And with all of these changes, comes a LOT to be thankful for! But, for the sake of keeping things brief, I’ve narrowed it down to the top four things I am most grateful for, and I’m sharing them below. Here’s what I’m thanking my lucky stars for this year…

My Parents

No surprise here! My parents seem to be on my “most thankful for” list every year, and it’s easy to tell why. I have always loved and respected their advice and the example they set of a great relationship, and as we get older, I truly believe the wisdom and love we receive from parents only gets more and more important. I’ve been so grateful to have them along for the ride, through thick and thin, and can’t wait to see how our friendship grows as the years go on. They really don’t come better than these two!

My Followers

Yep, that means you guys! Not only do I do what I do in hopes that I can bring a little piece of happiness to your home, but your love and support always leaves me in shock. Especially with my recent release of ESCAPE, it’s been incredible meeting so many wonderful faces the past couple of months at my book signings around the country. To hear the stories of my art inspiring you all or making your house feel like a home is truly beyond. I’m so grateful for the people who believe in me and support my career—I’ll never get tired of that feeling.

My Husband

And of course, rounding out my top three is my husband, Jeff. I’m sure you’ve all heard the saying that behind every great man, is a great woman. Well, in my case it’s another man. Jeff is the greatest man I know and I’m so thankful every day that I get to work with him and be together. It’s been the best time of my life being married to this man, and I can’t wait to see what the future brings for us.

Our Dream Home

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The change of adjusting to our new house is still so fresh, but I couldn’t wrap up this post without mentioning how extremely grateful I am for the new home we just moved into together… Simply put, it’s just a dream come true.

Thank you again for following along with us on this crazy ride, and for your constant love and support. We couldn’t be luckier.




Photos: Gray Malin, Jill Devries Photography